My Top 10 Celebrity Crushes

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I just feel butterflies dueling their way out on my stomach when watching or seeing photos of such irresistibly handsome and dashing celebrities, both local and international. I am not that typical die hard fangirl collecting or customizing stuffs with faces of celebrities but I admire and appreciate the beautiful creation of the good Lord through them. Haha. So here is my own random list (with photos) of my top 10 celebrity crushes. Sit back and be careful not to drool or get your heart out of your chest! *winks*

10. Daniel Henney

9. Kwon Sang Woo

8. Lee Min Ho

7. Kim Soo Hyun

6. Theo James

5. Alex Pettyfer

4. Ansel Elgort

3. Zac Efron

2. Rafael Rosell

1. Alden Richards

P.S. The list may change from time to time lol

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